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Join me every week for a free live guided meditation session

Every Monday

30 min Guided Effortless Meditation

9:30am PST | 5:30pm GMT | 12:30pm EST

Everybody welcome

Via Zoom

How will these live online meditation classes help you?

Improve your mental wellness

Effortless Meditation quickly dissolves stress, regulates the nervous system and leaves you feeling calm, energized and clear-headed.

Meditate within community

Meditating within a group amplifies the energy and the practice. These weekly sessions will deepen your momentum and motivation for meditation.

Learn an effective science based form of meditation

I teach an effortless approach to meditation which is heavily backed by science. This approach is highly effective and easy to learn and practice.


Do I have to join every week? Or can I just come once?

This weekly event is an open invitation. Come as often or as little as you like. In saying that, the more consistent you are with your meditation practice, the more you will benefit.  

What type of meditation do you offer?

I teach an ancient meditation technique from the Himalayas that is scientifically proven to deliver transformative benefits. This is different from mindfulness and other styles of meditation which you might have tried before. I'll show you how to get into a deep state of meditation in just 20 minutes.

What if I have never meditated before?

If you are a total newbie to meditation and are curious to try it, then please come along. You will be 100% guided the entire time.

Will I benefit from this, even if I currently have a solid meditation practice?

100% Yes. As an advanced meditator myself, I find it very nourishing to receive guided meditations from time to time. it brings freshness into my practice. Also meditating with others amplifies the energy. You can use this weekly guided meditation as a motivating touchstone for your own practice.

How much does this cost?

Completely FREE. All you have to do is to sign up wth your email and receive the details.

How can I join?

Simply follow the button and link below, pop in your email and instantly receive the details to join.