Life Advice from a Private Meditation Teacher

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Life Advice from a Private Meditation Coach

As someone who is deeply interested in the inner workings of our psyche, I am always looking for the most simple and fundamental ways to grow and heal. I have come to the conclusion that there are two core things that are of utmost importance. If we just focus our attention on these two things, at any given moment and on any given day, then our growth will skyrocket. This has both simplified and enhanced my life in a multitude of ways. These 2 simple things are the core of personal transformation and liberation.

These two things are:

  • Regulate your nervous system DAILY

  • Feel your emotions unconditionally in your body - as felt sensations.

Let’s dive into both of these things.


#1 Nervous System Regulation through Effortless Meditation

Regulating our nervous system is a task that every single one of us needs to attend to daily. In simple terms, our autonomic nervous system has 2 functions: the para-sympathetic (rest & digest) and sympathetic (our fight & flight).

When the para-sympathetic nervous system is activated (our rest and digest) our body has the opportunity to work optimally. All the systems within our body can begin to function and work harmoniously. This is the ONLY place any sort of physical, mental and emotional healing can occur.

graphic of woman meditating in the forest,  Private meditation teacher, private meditation coach, online meditation teacher, meditation life coach, effortless meditation, healing through meditation, emotional regulation through meditation,

Due to the demands of modern-day life, our Sympathetic nervous system is being triggered multiple times a day, to the point that some of us are living our entire lives in this state. When we are in our fight-flight, many systems within our body are shutting down (our immune, digestive, reproductive, and elimination systems are all shutting down). Our body is only interested in short-term survival.

Regulating our nervous system is a critical priority and pillar to any sort of healing and inner growth.

Ways to regulate your nervous system:

In all honesty, there are many different ways to regulate our nervous system, however, as a private meditation teacher I am biased to believe that meditation is the best way! And not just any meditation, specifically EFFORTLESS MEDITATION.

Effortless Meditation is literally the anti-dote to stress and a dysregulated nervous system. Meditating every day, twice a day for 20 minutes is a sure way to regulate your nervous system.

I feel extremely passionate about teaching an effortless approach to meditation and I have felt firsthand its powerful and potent effects. I teach a course that teaches you how to confidently meditate, anytime and anywhere using the effortless meditation technique. More details on the course here.

As a private meditation teacher, I am biased to believe that meditation is the best way to regulate your nervous system!


#2 Feel your Emotions Unconditionally

In the tapestry of human experience, emotions weave a complex and intricate pattern. Often, we find ourselves entangled in the stories and narratives of our emotions, overlooking the profound wisdom they carry within.

graphic of woman meditating on the grass, Private meditation teacher, private meditation coach, online meditation teacher, meditation life coach, effortless meditation, healing through meditation, emotional regulation through meditation,

A pathway towards healing is beginning to truly FEEL YOUR EMOTIONS WITHIN YOUR BODY. This means letting go of the ‘story’ and ‘narrative’ of why you are feeling a certain way, and simply feeling it in your body. All emotions are accompanied by physical sensations within the body and it is our job to locate these and to feel these sensations with felt-perception.

The more we can feel our emotions in our body as physical sensations, the more we can allow these emotions to complete their charge and allow them to ultimately move through and out of us. This is the pathway of healing. This is how we slowly free ourselves from conditioning, stored trauma, limiting beliefs and everything holding us back from WHO WE TRULY ARE.

In my Learn How to Meditate Course I guide you through this process, giving you tangible tools for sitting with your discomfort and truly feeling your emotions within your body. I'll guide you to move beyond the limitations of intellectualizing emotions, fostering a deep, visceral understanding that paves the way for authentic freedom.


Healing through Meditation, nervous system regulation and feeling your emotions.

These two things: Regulating your nervous system and feeling your emotions with felt perception, are the core of true healing and transformation. If we complete absolutely nothing in the day, if we simply sit and lay in bed and do nothing all day BUT we regulate our nervous system and find time to sit with our emotions - then you will have done more than the longest to do list.

These two things are the pathway towards healing, freedom and personal liberation.

Check out my Learn How to Meditate Course where I deep dive into both of these potent topics.

Sammy x


Hello and Welcome!


I’m Sammy, a compassionate meditation teacher and devoted yogi. Through transforming my own trauma into light, my mission is to carve the path for others to do the same.

I teach courses on how to
meditate and to heal through meditation. I also guide people through private meditation journeys.



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