Benefits of Mantra Meditation: What Happens to your Brain when you Meditate?
Have you ever wondered what actually happens within your brain when you meditate? Well, you are in the right place because in this blog post we will directly dive into the science and the rewiring that begins to happen during meditation.
What are Brain Waves?
Brainwaves are the rhythmic and synchronized patterns of electrical activity generated by the brain’s billions of neurons firing and communicating with each other. They are measured in both frequency (cycles per second - HZ) and amplitude (microvolts). Brainwaves are usually identified and defined by measures of frequency.
Brainwaves are categorized into different frequency bands, including delta, theta, alpha and gamma, each corresponding to different states of consciousness and cognitive functioning.
Brain Waves in Effortless Meditation
I would like to preface this by saying that the science I will be talking about here is specific to Effortless Forms of Meditation.
Mindfulness meditation and more concentrative forms of meditation do not necessarily create the same changes in the brain.
If you desire to know more about meditation, here are two resources:
- Resource 1 a previous blog post dedicated to Effortless Meditation
- Resource 2 a page on this website dedicated to Effortless Meditation
There are five bands of brainwave frequency however for the purpose of this blog post, I will only be diving into 3 of them (Alpha, Delta and Theta) as these are most potent and relevant to Effortless Meditation.
Alpha 1 Brain Waves in Meditation
(Effortless Meditation)
Alpha brain waves range from 8-12hz.
We experience Alpha brain waves when we are somewhat relaxed and our cerebral metabolism is slowing down. Generally, when we experience Alpha brain waves in our everyday life, they are happening all over the place within the range of 8-12hz - there is not much coherence to them and they are rather sporadic within this frequency band.
However, what is most interesting to note is that during the first 5-6 minutes of an Effortless Meditation Session, this shifts and our Alpha brain waves (from 8-12hz) change to Alpha 1 brain waves (which is only between 8-10hz). In our everyday life, we actually NEVER experience Alpha 1 brain waves like this. It is something rather new to scientists. Also, during Effortless Meditation, not only do our Alpha brain waves change to Alpha 1 - the Alpha 1 Brian waves also become highly synchronized in both hemispheres of the Brian (in amplitude and frequency).
Eventually, for long term meditators, Alpha 1 brain waves become permanent in the brian.
Research shows that Alpha 1 brain waves rarely occur in non-meditators but in long term meditators (who practice Effortless Meditation) Alpha 1 begins to occur during daily activity. Eventually, for long term meditators, Alpha 1 brain waves become permanent in our brain.
Once Alpha 1 brainwaves begin during an Effortless Meditation session, they continue for the entire meditation. Alpha 1 brain waves gradually spread from the rear of the brain (occipital lobes) and move forward, covering the prefrontal lobes and then the entire cerebral cortex. Another interesting thin
The Importance of Alpha 1 Brain Waves in Meditation
Alpha 1 brain waves are interesting because our brain is relaxed however at the same time our brain’s cerebral metabolism is increasing. It is also called the “paradoxical alpha” since you are deeply relaxed however simultaneously, your ability to make new connections and take on new information is increasing. Alpha 1 brain waves are also the gateway to the subconscious mind.
Theta Brain waves in Meditation
(Effortless Meditation)
Theta brain waves range from 4-8hz.
Outside of meditation, we experience Theta Brain waves when we are dreaming during our REM sleep (called REM sleep because we experience rapid eye movement). Generally speaking, we don’t experience theta briain waves in our waking day.
Theta waves signal access into our subconscious mind
Theta brain waves begin to occur at 5-6 minutes during an effortless mediation session. Similar to Alpha 1, they are highly synchronized and begin to develop in the prefrontal lobes of the brain and continue throughout the remainder of the meditation.
The importance of Theta Brain waves in Meditation
Theta brain waves signal access to our subconscious brain. This is fascinating because on one hand, we are awake and experiencing alpha 1 brain waves, however on the other hand we are simultaneously IN our subconscious mind.
Why is this important? So much of who we think we are, our conditioning, our traumas, our stored stress and our emotions are stored within our subconscious - so it highly beneficial to have access to our subconscious while we are awake. What this means is that we can slowly begin to become aware of the things that are stored within our subconscious and therefore begin to clear them.
Delta Brain Waves in Meditation
(Effortless Meditation)
Delta brain waves typically range from 0.5-4 hz and they are associated with the slowest and highest aptitude brain activity.
Outside of meditation we experience delta brain waves during our stage 4 restorative sleep. Our stage 4 being the deepest and most restorative phase of our sleep. During this stage, the brain and body undergo essential processes for physical recovery and maintenance.
During effortless meditaiton, we begin to experience Delta Brian waves at around 10-12 minutes. They become highly synchronized and delta waves begin to occur in the prefrontal lobes of the brain and continue throughout the remainder of the meditation.
The importance of Delta Brain waves in Meditation
Delta Brian waves during effortless meditation provide access to and the experience of pure consciousness or state of being. These brain waves connect us to who we really are and are responsible for the blissful moments we can occasionally feel while we meditate.
Alpha 1, Theta and Delta Brain Waves in Effortless Meditation
Another highly fascinating thing to note is that during an effortless meditation session, after 10-12 minutes we are experiencing Alpha 1, Theta and Delta Brian waves AT THE SAME TIME. Generally, this does not occur in our everyday waking life - the only time that it does is for 30 seconds before we transition into our stage 4 restorative sleep. Powerful things begin to occur. in the body when we experience these brian waves together.
There is certainly much more to explain and dive into regarding the science behind meditation and its effects on the brain.
If this sparks your interest, check out my Learn How to Meditate Course where I go into more detail about the science and effect within the body or Book a Private Guided Effortless Meditation Session so that you can feel the profound effects for yourself.
If you have more questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me via email or book in a FREE 20 minute discovery call and find out how I can assist you in your own healing journey.
Thanks for reading and enjoy the rest of your day, Sammy x
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I’m Sammy, a compassionate meditation teacher and devoted yogi. Through transforming my own trauma into light, my mission is to carve the path for others to do the same.
I teach courses on how to meditate and to heal through meditation. I also guide people through private meditation journeys.
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